学校法人同志社 HOME > News一覧 > 第26回国際交流に関するエッセイコンテスト表彰について

2022.1.29 第26回国際交流に関するエッセイコンテスト表彰について



"New International Exchange for a New Era"」, であり,日本語部門4点(高校生の部3点,中学生の部1点),英語部門9点(大学生の部1点,高校生の部4点,中学生の部4点)の作品応募があった。審査委員会の厳正な審査により受賞者を決定し,日本語部門,英語部門それぞれの最優秀賞,優秀賞,佳作の受賞者に対して,表彰状及び副賞が授与された。なお,今年度については,新型コロナウイルス感染症急拡大の状況に鑑み,表彰式は中止し,各学校での授与となった。
 なお,日本語部門について新 茂之委員から,英語部門についてAnya Benson委員からそれぞれ以下のとおり講評があった。


In this era of rigidly maintained distances, international exchange is a difficult topic to discuss. On one level, an increasingly digital world has made exchange more possible than ever. At the same time, opportunities to speak to people from different backgrounds whilst in the same space, surrounded by the same scenery, have become rare. What does international exchange mean in today’s world, and how can we make the best of it?
Many of the essay writers turned to technology to answer these questions. The contest participants discussed how aspects of our lives today, such as remote work and travel restrictions, may not be permanent but will likely embed themselves in our cultures in some form. The essays imagined what form that might be, providing visions of a future in which innovation enables meaningful exchange. At the same time, many of the participants showed that such hopeful visions cannot be taken for granted. They are not inevitable, but possibilities we must aim to realize.
It was this sense of responsibility and reflection that struck me as I read the essays written by this year's contest participants. They showed a deep-set belief that technology can be used productively to make a better world ? but also acute awareness that a better world needs to be made. The essays spoke of inequalities, dangers, and above all, the need to actively make something good from the complex realities we face.
But it is not only technology that the participants spoke of as a potential and a responsibility. The essays also referred to the importance of language learning and the connections it fosters. Such connection is ultimately about human communities. Whatever apps we may or may not use, bonds between people remain the core of exchange. The tensions within and across communities, the challenges of expression, and the need to develop greater awareness: these are all ancient problems, refashioned but not fundamentally changed in this new era. The contest participants could see that, and I hope all the participants will continue striving for such exchange.



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